Pipe 27DMF Why does obedience to speech codes count for everything in opensource, and contribution count for no

Why does obedience to speech codes count for everything in opensource, and contribution count for no

Anonymous Coward
in ask on (#27DMF)
Got banned from opengameart:

They disliked the discussion going on here:

So now my portfolio page of well over 100 contributions is blocked:
( You are not authorized to access this page. )

For saying things they didn't like on the forum. (First thing they complained about was my support for Trump)
That's opensource!
Then they mock "freeze peach" on twitter:

"Muh freeze peach" is the opensoure maven's comment.

So well over 100 contributions count for nothing, obeying their speech control dictats count for everything. Just like in 2009: esr.ibiblio.org/?p=1310

Why is it that opensource people, and white western people in general are feminist piece of shit scumbags?
score 0
  • Closed (trash)
Reply 1 comments

You shot yourself in the foot (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2017-01-03 11:41 (#27FH4)

Furthermore we will likely be subpoenaing this website for information about all detractors, including you dannorder. We will comb over your utterances for any untrue derisive statements, and we will also submit to the court your current statements about our "ignorance".
Why is it that opensource people, and white western people in general are feminist piece of shit scumbags?
Any hope you may have had in suing just went up in smoke. A lawyer will take this and completely rip any arguments made to pieces.
No doubt you have made similar statements elsewhere. They will be found and compiled against you.