Pipe 2FYBP Vibrator maker pays out after admiting to tracking users with online app

Vibrator maker pays out after admiting to tracking users with online app

Anonymous Coward
in legal on (#2FYBP)
A class action lawsuit has resulted in a leading vibrator manufacturer paying out up to $10,000 for any person who used their We-Vibe app after hackers discovered that personal data was being recorded by the company. While the company has claimed that it has done nothing wrong, anyone who owns a We-Vibe is entitled to part of the settlement based on that dates and times of use as well as vibration mode and pattern was being sent to servers owned by Innovation Standards using personally-identifiable email addresses as keys. As the data collected was deemed to be 'highly sensitive' the company will destroy all data collected.
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Hashtags (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2017-03-15 12:08 (#2FYBQ)

See, this is where we need hashtags so I can put "creepy" on this one

Only females? (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2017-03-15 12:38 (#2FYER)

A SEX toy company has promised to destroy data collected by its smart vibrator after it was accused of storing "highly sensitive" information about women's sexual activities without their consent
This device likely has a significant male following as well

there must be a better headline (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2017-03-18 09:08 (#2G8WK)

Vibrator maker pays out after admiting to tracking users with online app

Come on.
Try harder.

Manufacturer of vibrators involuntarily puts out after tracking user orgasms

Vibrating sensation not tickled by data breach lawsuit loss

Company caught red handed with users private data in class action

Class action against vibrator specialist after hacker string erupted