Pipe 2WSP Poll: Will you upgrade to Windows 8

Poll: Will you upgrade to Windows 8

Anonymous Coward
in pipedot on (#2WSP)
1. No. I will keep Windows 7

2. No. I will keep Windows 8

3. No, I don't use Windows

4. No, it sounds worse than Windows 8

5. Haiku is my system of choice
score 0
  • Closed (Not the place for POLL suggestions...)
Reply 1 comments

SystemD (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2015-01-26 14:32 (#2WSS)

Can we have a similar poll covering what people are doing in response to SystemD?

Have people moved to Windows? FreeBSD? Something else? Are they not upgrading, or have we all accepted the inevitable and learned to love SystemD?