Weekly Update

in pipedot on (#3HV)
Updates for this week include:
  • Added an internal mail system. Users can now privately message each other using familiar email style (username@pipedot.org) addresses.
  • New captcha system based off of the textcaptcha.com service.
  • You can now submit stories as an AC without logging in.
  • You can now post comments as an AC without logging in.
  • Raised the default moderation score to 1 for non-AC comments.
  • You can no longer moderate your own comments.
  • Hide and Expand thresholds can now be saved in your account settings page.
  • Added icons to hopefully improve the visibility of certain functions (The syndication feed at the bottom of the page and the Reply button at the top of comment sections)

Re: Impressive rate of progress (Score: 1)

by zafiro17@pipedot.org on 2014-04-15 13:59 (#12T)

I smell sour grapes. Maybe I'm biased because I've volunteered to help edit, but I think in the long run Pipedot is going to be more sustainable. Soylent might currently be bigger but I'm not impressed with the quality of the comments, and the never ending trying to sort out who is the boss and what the site's mantra will be is tiring, to say the least. I think your comment about "most people" is somewhat premature, as it's not a zero-sum game.

There's room for more than one news site out there - they will differentiate themselves, behave differently, and attract different or overlapping crowds. That's a good thing!
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