Kerbal Space Program

in games on (#3HC)
How do you deal with a software release that goes bad? Ask Squad, creators of the fantastic Kerbal Space Program , a fun game where players create their own space program and try to build a space-worthy craft, capable of flying its crew out into space without killing them. The collection of parts must be assembled to create a functional ship. Each part has its own function and will affect the way a ship flies (or doesn't).

But shortly after hyping the release of a new patch to the game ("Asteroid Redirect Mission" or ARM), Squad was bitten by the notorious Space Kraken: a game breaking bug was discovered that pushed the patch release into "sometime in April." Fans were not happy. Fortunately, Squad took the high road. They publicly admitted to the P.R. error and asked their fans for understanding. Then they quickly issued fixes for that bug as well as a small game-save bug that cropped up, putting all their energy behind making things right. With fans appeased, anticipation again mounts for the Kerbal Space Program to leave Alpha development phase.

Though development does still have a long way to go, KSP is already rich with content and has a large modding community. If you have any interest in physics based space games, this one is genuinely a step up from anything else, even Orbiter. You'll need a high-end gaming computer at the moment. Check the forums for details, including issues regarding 64 bit and Linux support.

Asteroids was never this much fun, or as difficult!

(cross submitted to Soylent News)
[2014-04-02 14:53 UTC: re-edited for clarity: the PR was about the asteroid redirect patch]

Re: A litle confused about the info here (Score: 1)

by on 2014-04-16 11:34 (#137)

Hehehehe, I managed to put that much time into it due to a back injury that has had me grounded for a little over a year now. I don't watch very much television.

I built a space station, mainly to practice orbital rendezvous, in preparation for launching an orbital built 'grand tour' ship.

The main propulsion and living quarters (acting as a makeshift station) are in orbit, but I need more testing on my atmospheric lander,(designed to be used on airless worlds afterward as it drops it heat shielding) and need to build a satellite (the ship carries four, so I'll just duplicate it).

Using LLL, NP, FAR, DR, TAC, KAS, Spherical tanks, and visual enhancements...
Hope you get notified of this reply as well, I just came back to lift the XKCD link above to the ADD panel.
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