Weekly Update

in pipedot on (#3HV)
Updates for this week include:
  • Added an internal mail system. Users can now privately message each other using familiar email style (username@pipedot.org) addresses.
  • New captcha system based off of the textcaptcha.com service.
  • You can now submit stories as an AC without logging in.
  • You can now post comments as an AC without logging in.
  • Raised the default moderation score to 1 for non-AC comments.
  • You can no longer moderate your own comments.
  • Hide and Expand thresholds can now be saved in your account settings page.
  • Added icons to hopefully improve the visibility of certain functions (The syndication feed at the bottom of the page and the Reply button at the top of comment sections)

Re: Impressive rate of progress (Score: 1)

by cubancigar11@pipedot.org on 2014-04-16 13:04 (#13D)

Thanks Bryan! Please don't take my comment as any kind of derision or pro-soylent/anti-pipe kind of trolling comment. I have particular interest in seeing slash rewritten using newer tech, a rewrite that stays true to the original discussion forum, which is why I am interested in pipedot (along with the fact that I have lower uid here :p). But I will ask one question: as I understand you are funding the website from your own. But as the website grows pipedot is bound to run into monetization. This way or the other we will have to have large (enough) audience for that to be possible. What are your thoughts about that?
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