ASK: Are there any Linux LiveCDs which include the proprietary NVIDIA driver?

Anonymous Coward
in ask on (#13SK2)
I'm searching for a Linux LiveCD which includes the proprietary NVIDIA driver.

I would like to find one on a LiveCD since installing the proprietary NVIDIA driver usually requires a reboot so I cannot do it myself.

Several years ago when desktop effects in Linux finally hit it big, there were one or two distros which rolled the proprietary NVIDIA driver into the LiveCD to showcase the desktop effects.

While I don't need flashy desktop effects, I would like one or more Linux distros which roll the proprietary NVIDIA driver into the LiveCD so installation is not required.

Thank you.

Re: GPL-2 issues FTW (Score: 2, Interesting)

by Anonymous Coward on 2016-02-13 04:43 (#13TDF)

The read-only aspect of livecds was solved long ago. They'll use something like overlayfs [1] or unionfs to provide a transparent writable layer (using RAM via tmpfs [2]) on top of the read-only root. That way you can "modify" files or install new packages. The modifications will be copied into or made directly in the higher tmpfs layer.

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