Four years after NBN report soothsayer Nick Ross is vindicated on NBN FTTN vs FTTP

Anonymous Coward
in internet on (#13SK1)
story imageFour years ago an Australian reporter for the ABC network wrote an article detailing why the proposed plan by the Liberal Coalition would not work. Now we can see the costs and problems with the "mixed mode" plan where multiple technologies are used for the NBN instead of fiber to the premises (FPPT) it is clear that the predictions made by Nick Ross in June 2012 were correct. From a technical and monetary perspective the problem is very simple; deploying any technology less than the highest option available will cost more in the long run as the inferior technology will eventually have to be pulled out and replaced. The Australian government is now covering up the data proving this with researchers reporting that the FTTP would easily be better value than FTTN. Elsewhere, other significance of NBN report by Nick Ross is still being debated with accusations against the ABC for gagging coming to light. The future of Australian business commerce depends on having a stable fast reliable internet infrastructure with broadband connectivity for all Australians. The only question is: when will they get it?

More information here.

Vindicated (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2016-02-13 22:24 (#13WCS)

He might be vindicated but it changes nothing, if you don't win you didn't win.
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Which of 55, sixty nine, 79 or fifty one is the highest?