Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr Released

in linux on (#3J1)
story imageUbuntu released version 14.04 LTS (codename "Trusty Tahr") today. This is a long-term support distribution, meaning Ubuntu will support it with security and bug fixes for 5 years as it slowly replaces Ubuntu 12.04 LTS that preceded it.Recent notable changes, such as the move to systemd or the Mir display server, are absent in this release. However, this release adds arm64 and ppc64el architectures. OpenStack and other "cloud" tools also received many updates.

Although critics often disparage the animal codename, the uniqueness of the word does aide Internet searches. For example, if you search for "Ubuntu Bluetooth" you may get outdated information from previous versions that is no longer relevant. However, adding "Precise Pangolin" or "Trusty Tahr" really helps narrow down the results.

Re: School Computer Lab (Score: 3, Informative)

by bryan@pipedot.org on 2014-04-17 22:47 (#141)

If you are looking for familiarity, I'd suggest avoiding Unity or Gnome Shell (including Edubuntu) based versions. XFCE, KDE, and LXDE are far more friendly toward new converts. XFCE and LXDE have significantly "lighter" computer requirements. Since your computers have XP they are likely over 10 years old and may have limited resources. Also, all flavors of Ubuntu share the same base package libraries. You will still be able to easily download the same educational programs from the package manager.
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