ISC Ends BIND Development and Renames it Bundy

in internet on (#3J2)
Today, ISC released the last version of BIND 10 , ending the organization's development work and signalling that no further updates will be made to the source pool.

The Bundy Project is currently working with the ISC to move the code to GitHub to continue the program's development.

BIND 9 is the most popular DNS server in use today.

Re: Confusing article (Score: 2, Insightful)

by on 2014-04-18 09:11 (#143)

Now I'm really confused - will BIND9 and BUNDY then be "competing" products in the open source sense? Will they address different issues or usage scenarios? Also, even if the name has the magic combination of letters, 'Bundy' is an awful name that only evokes Al Bundy of Married with Children fame. How about BooNDoggle? BorNDangerous? BerkeleyNextgenDaemon? Just a starting point.
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