Google Is Finally Killing Picasa

Anonymous Coward
in google on (#144YN)
story imageGoogle is finally killing off Picasa in favor of their more cloud based Google Photos. Picasa was a desktop application that allowed you to view and organize your offline photo collection.
As of March 15, 2016, we will no longer be supporting the Picasa desktop application. For those who have already downloaded this-or choose to do so before this date-it will continue to work as it does today, but we will not be developing it further, and there will be no future updates. If you choose to switch to Google Photos, you can continue to upload photos and videos using the desktop uploader at
Will users move their photo collections to the cloud as Google hopes? Or is this just another attempt to push more computing applications from the desktop to online services?

Re: Yes and yes (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2016-02-16 21:45 (#145NQ)

I am not keen on moving over a TB of photos to a cloud.Other than permanent assured backup what is the gain?I used to share photos with people online. Back in the dark old days when you coded HTML by hand.
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