Amazon increases free shipping minimum order to $49

in internet on (#14YNT) has raised the free shipping minimum to $49 from $35 for non-Prime members, according to information provided on the Amazon website. The company hasn't published a press release with the news. For books, the threshold is still $25.

There is unlimited free two-day shipping for Prime members. "A higher minimum order requirement for free non-Prime shipping effectively increases the appeal of Prime membership, and Prime households spend disproportionately more than non-Prime households." A steep 32.8% increase in fulfillment costs had a negative impact on quarterly earnings announced on January 29. Prime membership increased 51% in 2015.

Re: errr (Score: 1)

by on 2016-02-24 18:42 (#1519V)

Amazon is the largest online retailer in the world. So, there are no doubt tens of millions of people who will care very, very much. If you're not one of them, no problem, just move on.
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