Amazon Quietly Removes Encryption Support from its devices in Fire OS 5

in security on (#16AP6)
Amazon has deprecated full disk encryption in Fire OS 5:
The tech giant has recently deprecated support for device encryption on the latest version of Fire OS, Amazon's custom Android operating system, which powers its tablets and phones. In the past, privacy-minded users could protect data stored inside their devices, such as their emails, by scrambling it with a password, which made it unreadable in case the device got lost or stolen. With this change, users who had encryption on in their Fire devices are left with two bad choices: either decline to install the update, leaving their devices with outdated software, or give up and keep their data unencrypted.

Re: Why? (Score: 1, Interesting)

by Anonymous Coward on 2016-03-10 21:18 (#16PDJ)

Try asking them a whole lot of intrusive questions, and they start to get a bit squeamish on giving you the details, though. Apparently a faceless government minion is trustworthy, yet someone they trust as a friend is not.
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The 5th number from 16, thirty five, 40, twenty seven and 11 is?