High speed internet is destroying neighborhoods

in internet on (#15YCE)
The epicenter of internet construction nightmares for homeowners is on Lambs Lane in Southeast Austin, where last October a flash flood allegedly caused by Google's construction crews blocking nearby storm drains brought two feet of water into the home of Arnulfo and Dolores Cruz, causing $100,000 in damages. Hundreds of other complaints cite yard and property damage, trespassing, and construction vehicles blocking access to driveways.

Residents cannot get compensation until they find out which of a litany of contractors and subcontractors working in the area dumped giant piles of dirt on their front lawns, dug open holes or trenches and left them uncovered, or used their yards to store construction equipment and supplies without permission. With Google, AT&T, and Time Warner Cable all upgrading infrastructure, it is difficult to determine who is responsible for what. That makes assigning responsibility for damages very difficult. In some neighborhoods, electric and water lines were severed by construction crews as well. Some residents have even resorted to calling police when crews trespass repeatedly on private property without the courtesy of prior notification or identification.


Re: BS (Score: 1)

by reziac@pipedot.org on 2016-03-14 00:05 (#16ZWT)

Also, if someone parks a vehicle on your property without permission, you can generally get it towed (and impounded) by the city or county at no charge to yourself. In fact, once the cops arrive they won't let the equipment's owner take it without your permission, so it's up to you if you want to punish the culprit: Tow charges and impound fees can total well up in four figures.
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