Re: Google (Score: 1)

by on 2014-04-29 10:38 (#18K)

The one thing that Google's doing that's really getting under my skin is asking for my cell number. Drives me up the wall every time I log in to G-mail it was the number so if I ever get locked out of my account they can send me a text. Good in principal, but I don't trust anyone outside my immediate friends with my cell number. The last thing I want is to start getting telemarketer calls while I'm at work like the lady in the cubical next to me does. I'm sure Google would be responsible, but I'm still not going to take the chance, after all telemarketers are the reason I got rid of my land line in the first place. I'm so sick of "You've won a cruise for TWO!!" and "Hi, this is RBC calling to see if you'd like a credit card that has no limit!", especially right in the middle of dinner or right after I put my two year old to bed.
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What is the 4th number in the list sixteen, 8, 11 and thirteen?