Debian may drop the SPARC architecture

in linux on (#3JJ)
Reported by LWN :
As of tonight, there is no more SPARC in testing. The main reasons were
lack of porter commitments, problems with the toolchain and continued
stability issues with our machines.

The fate of SPARC in unstable has not been decided yet. It might get
removed unless people commit to working on it. Discussion about this
should take place on #745938 .

Re: Oracle (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-05-01 07:01 (#19V)

The platform actually does quite well with Solaris at the moment. Oracle is investing insane amounts of money for chip developments and to make their database run faster on SPARC. But sadly Oracle has little interest in maintaining any kind of support under Linux for its hardware AFAIK, and also killed OpenSolaris. Hobbyists also don't get SPARC hardware anymore these days because everything Sun has become very old and newer ones are very expensive. The T4 and later are hugely overpriced on ebay with maybe >10K$.

It'll become increasingly difficult to use your old Sun hardware though. Debian and Gentoo were the only two Linux distributions left with SPARC support IIRC.
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