Pipecode source released

in pipedot on (#3JZ)
Good news everyone! I hacked away enough at the code base this weekend to make it mildly presentable. Weighing in at 814 kB, the download shouldn't stress your connection too much. :)

So, if you are interested in installing it yourself, go to http://pipecode.org/ for the installation instructions and the download tarball. The GitHub repository has also been updated.

Re: congratulations on an awesome achievement! (Score: 4, Informative)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-05-06 21:35 (#1EG)

I thought - with the exception of the word 'mess' - he was essentially gracious.
Well this AC thought the same thing and clarified what I suspect NCommander meant.

I relate because of bitter experience wrangling projects mixing PHP, SQL, HTML, CSS and javascript in the same files. Even more bitter experiences from wrangling projects where the original developer picked the templating language of the week (obviously written in PHP -- itself a templating language). Code I was employed to maintain where the original developers were storing and retrieving random javascript and html snippets using the database and every database table had a different character encoding with no validation or sanity checking other than the stupid strip slashes function.

Now, I thought pipecode was relatively clean but the writeln($html) brought back such painful memories as to make me physically shudder. It's just a style thing... unless you've had the nightmare of working with frontend developers on a mess of unmaintainable code. Then it does look like a 'mess' -- but I'm pretty much certain that word was not intended as disparaging to Bryan in any way.
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