smxi Makes Setting Up Debian a Breeze

in linux on (#3KB)
Typically, the install process doesn't stop with the installation of the base OS. You've still got to install and configure a lot of programs and drivers, for example: VirtualBox, Flash, LibreOffice, Java, and NVIDIA drivers, to name but a few. That takes time and energy.

Recently I needed a hard drive upgrade, and after trying out Xubuntu 14.04, I decided to stick with Crunchbang 11 . With a fresh installation, I needed to quickly get the applications that weren't an apt-get away. Enter smxi , a handy collection of scripts created to solve the frequent, repetitive support questions that often appear on IRC channels. Here's a guide showing how to set up smxi in Crunchbang.

How do you complete your config and install? What other tools and scripts are out there to ease the pain, particularly for multiple machines?

Re: My method is not sophistiocated but it works (Score: 2, Insightful)

by on 2014-05-12 17:11 (#1HF)

I just use apt-get, yum, or pacman to install it. I don't grasp what the problem is.
"Possibly most important: expecting someone to look for an answer to a question they don't even know exists! This is a very common problem in advanced technical user circles, nobody remembers their own learning curve, and starts to think that highly specialized technical knowledge is somehow something that people should know."

Everyone has to start somewhere, and in the Unix(-alike) world, people who started a while back are justifiably notorious for treating people who started more recently like shit.
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