Nine Out of Ten Top Webhosting Sites Run Linux/BSD

in linux on (#3KK)
Here's some good news for everyone except Microsoft: nine out of ten of the most reliable hosting providers in April 2014 use Linux or FreeBSD as their hosting platform. Microsoft only got one of the ten slots, thanks to Netcetera, a provider specializing in WinServer 2012 hosting. Of the nine top sites, five use Linux and four use FreeBSD. The performance measurements are made at fifteen minute intervals from separate points around the internet, and averages are calculated over the immediately preceding 24 hour period. More detail on the measurement process and stats is available at Netcraft .

Re: Any recommendations (Score: 1)

by on 2014-05-14 20:09 (#1M6)

Yes, you're right - VPS. Thanks for the correction! I've heard about and the price is great. I pay a bit more than that - $12/month - but I'm happy with the hardware, the software, and the service, so no complaints. The one thing I've found VPSes aren't good for is offsite replication/storage. I've got many gigs of photos I'd like to backup with an rsync script, and while a Linux or BSD VPS would make that easy, most packages don't provide nearly enough space, thinking what you are probably going to build is a webserver or something.

Mine also runs a Usenet node ( for the dictator.* newsgroups), but I don't use it for much else than that. It's just so cool how much you can do with a good OS on a dedicated box (OK, virtual, but from my point of view you'd never know it), and a fixed IP address.
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