Adding DRM to Firefox

in internet on (#3KN)
story imageVideo streaming sites, such as Netflix and Hulu, have traditionally used non-free plugins, such as Flash and Silverlight, to perform DRM functions. Interest to move these services to the new HTML5 video tag, however, requires a mechanism to handle the DRM naughty bits. The W3C EME specification describes such a beast, but involves a non-free CDM binary. Here is Mozilla's take on the matter.

Caved in! (Score: 2, Insightful)

by on 2014-05-14 22:39 (#1MC)

OK, so they are against it, but feel obliged to keep up with the times and to prevent people from having to reach for an alternative web browser they're going to implement DRM too. Lovely. How about, we just don't visit those DRMed sites? What the F has happened to the Internet we know and love? Is FIDOnet still around? At least we owned that one. This new, corporate-run, DRMed, spy-platform Internet sucks dogballs. Guess it's time to switch to Chrome! Nope. Opera? Hmm. Lynx/w3m/elinks?
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