Dice Holdings Trading down on Disappointing Earnings

in internet on (#3KR)
Dice Holdings, the company that now owns Slashdot and runs specialty job boards, seems to have hit a rough patch. An article from earlier this month reports Dice Holdings is trading down by 4.1% due to disappointing earnings. Yahoo's stock charts don't make it look like the situation is too bad, but look to Dice's CEO for guidance and you'll be surprised. Turns out Scott Melland is feeling bearish and recently sold over $500,000 in Dice stock. Here is the transcript of the earnings call, in which they unleash the bad news about Dice earnings.

Personally, I recommend they plaster Slashdot with more obnoxious banner ads .

wishful thinking maybe (Score: 3, Insightful)

by rocks@pipedot.org on 2014-05-16 12:27 (#1NF)

Hard to see how Dice's stock price is not just oscillating about an average over the past six months to a year or so. Slashdot seems to have recovered much of its comment volume from immediately after the beta boycott, although it may be down by historical levels. And, Dice just had a recent study get lots of news coverage about the lengthening time it is taking to fill various skilled tech jobs.

Maybe the CEO from Dice just wanted to buy a new house or boat?
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