Cisco Letter to Obama Objecting to NSA Implants

Anonymous Coward
in security on (#3MD)
Listen, do you hear something? It's " waaa, waaaa, waaa, waaaa ." It's the sound of Cisco executives crying to the Whitehouse that their business is being ruined now that the public knows their hardware is being sabotaged by the NSA with listening devices .

I'd feel sympathetic for them, but I'm too busy buying other manufacturers' hardware. This PDF is the letter Cisco executives have sent to President Obama. Or have a look here. The Washington Post reports Cisco John Chandler wrote :
Absent a new approach where industry plays a role, but in which you, Mr. President, can lead, we are concerned that our country's global technological leadership will be impaired. Moreover, the result could be a fragmented Internet, where the promise of the next Internet is never fully realized.
More interesting than the complaint is this graph showing the difference between what Cisco's predicted and actual growth, potentially due to this revelation . Who needs a diaper change and a nice bottle of warmed milk?

[Ed note 2014-05-20 12:10: update with a new, interesting link: ]
Ed note: 2014-05-20 16:20 Link in the first ed note has been fixed.

Re: Infowars Links = Bye Bye, Pipedot (Score: 2, Insightful)

by on 2014-05-20 17:42 (#1T2)

Let me see if I can work some magic. I really want to encourage people to post articles and anyone who takes the time to do so clearly feels it's a worthwhile thing to discuss. When editors start deleting articles, readers stop taking the time to contribute and the sense of cameraderie takes a hit.
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