lntel vPro chip gives snoops backdoor PC access

Anonymous Coward
in security on (#3MC)
story imageBad news: you're still rooted six ways to Sunday. This article comes from September 2013, but before you complain it's not breaking news, note that nothing has been done about it . In sum, Intel Core vPro processors contain a secret 3G chip that allows remote disabling and backdoor access to any computer even when it is turned off .

From the article:
"Intel actually embedded the 3G radio chip in order to enable its Anti Theft 3.0 technology. And since that technology is found on every Core i3/i5/i7 CPU after Sandy Bridge, that means a lot of CPUs, not just new vPro, might have a secret 3G connection nobody knew about until now,"reports Softpedia ... Core vPro processors contain a second physical processor embedded within the main processor which has it's own operating system embedded on the chip itself," writes Jim Stone. "As long as the power supply is available and and in working condition, it can be woken up by the Core vPro processor, which runs on the system's phantom power and is able to quietly turn individual hardware components on and access anything on them."
Curious? Outraged? Here are some more links so you can catch up on your new, pw0ned lifestyle.


Happy websurfing, suckers. Remember, Intel knows if you're posting anonymously ;)

Re: Because It's BS (Score: 1)

by omoc@pipedot.org on 2014-05-21 13:35 (#1TF)

You can run old news with an update, but there hasn't even been any change to this. I don't know any news site that just republishes old articles without any change to them. Then the citation of infowars as the source makes the article loose all it's credibility for anyone who didn't know about it before.
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