I am Google

in internet on (#3MQ)
Hey, what the heck? There aren't enough submissions in the Pipedot queue? I'm outta here! (storms out of the room) #iamgoogle

This is a lesson in how to make a hashtag out of yourself (and make a fool of yourself, too). Read the NYPost article and find descriptions of this guy that include "boor, mean, inconsiderate, smug, self-important, jerk, hissy-fit, and of course, douchenozzle.

Nice work, Scott Jenson, Google executive.

Re: He is google? (Score: 1)

by zafiro17@pipedot.org on 2014-05-22 16:49 (#1VR)

Good chance he'll be ex-Google before long. He made a real ass of himself and has drawn some really negative publicity to the company. Haughty S-O-B.
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