Everything is broken

in security on (#3MW)
Journalist Quinn Norton writes on the broken culture of computer security. From complex software flawed with 0-days to human error and general culture prone to feeling powerless, she explains how security is currently just a mirage.

Is computer security really just a wishful dream?

Not anymore broken than real world security (Score: 5, Insightful)

by skarjak@pipedot.org on 2014-05-24 17:21 (#1WG)

Most of us have only a simple, easy to pick door lock standing between any would-be thief and our stuff. The real use of these things is merely to act as a deterrent, so people have to be serious if they want to get your stuff. But if they are serious, no amount of security will keep you completely safe. We generally seem to be ok with that situation.

I think the situation is relatively the same for computers. If someone really wants your digital stuff, they'll get it. You can't really prevent that. But you can control what information you allow to be digitally stored.
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