Re: It depends (Score: 2, Insightful)

by on 2014-05-27 06:40 (#1XB)

That would be my view too, but there would probably still be a problem with consistency. The icons, which looked great BTW, all had a consistent appearance and size which is obviously not going to be the case with images, and trying to find appropriate images that can be cropped and scaled down to the same size as the icons is likely to be even harder than finding an appropriate icon. If going with images then we're just going to have to accept some variation in appearance. Then again, maybe that's not the real problem, but rather that the topics that stories are grouped into isn't a good enough or broad enough match for the range of stories being posted - or there just needs to be a generic icon for when all else fails.
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Restaurant, pub, milk, thumb, fruit and hospital: how many body parts in the list?