TrueCrypt Project Problems

Anonymous Coward
in security on (#3N8)
story imageFinally, a story for resident conspiracy theorists that has truth behind it, an impact on the world, and may actually mean something.

TrueCrypt, the standout semi-open source multiplatform full-disk-encryption software package, has acted all squirrelly and more or less shut the the project down, blaming it, somewhat hilariously, on the end of Microsoft's Windows XP support. All this while a paid (and long awaited) audit of TrueCrypt has been nearing completion.

Discussed at lots of places including lifehacker , Slashdot , SoylentNews , and reddit .

This is really troubling for lots of reasons. The audit was deemed necessary because TC's authorship and operation were shrouded in mystery. (the two main developers are anonymous and go by the pseudonyms "ennead" and "syncon") This doesn't help any in that regard. What happened? Loss of control of the domain? Website defacement? Warrant canary?

Re: Not Accurate to Say Warrant Canary? (Score: 2, Interesting)

by on 2014-06-03 05:53 (#20E)

Some random twitter personality claims there was a secret predetermined warrent cannary, which was activated recently. But its so super secret that only a few people are in the know, and they can't tell us what it was for reasons unexplainable. Eithere they're afraid of a rubber hose style differential cryptoanalysis, or they need to have their medication levels checked.
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