Re: Ummm... (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2016-11-05 01:50 (#20EM6)

I don't think you've thought this through: in what way is something that you would have to crack the security on more susceptible to misuse than something you only need a key for?


With a standard present day car, you get in and drive it into a crowd. With an autonomous car, you need to find one with the vulnerabilities you can access and then crack the OS, override the onboard security, and then drive it into a crowd IF it doesn't have extra failsafes built in.

In the time it takes you to do that, you could steal/carjack/buy a car, and then drive it into a group. It would actually be easier to get a load of explosives and detonate it in the middle of a crowd than to override an autonomous vehicle and do so.

It'd be easier to build a radio controlled car and do it.

Disagree? Demonstrate how it's easier to gain the skills to exploit an operating system, then to find an operating system you can exploit, do so without getting caught, and then drive the car into a crowd of people, and provide clear explanations of how this is so much easier than having a human drive into a crowd.
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