Apple shifts from Objective C to Swift

in apple on (#3NC)
story imageApple announced a new programming language yesterday at its yearly developer conference. With improvements in speed and ease of development, the new language aims to replace Objective C, Apple's previous language of choice.

As usual, software development in the new language is limited to the company's XCode programming IDE available for no cost in OS X.

Re: Tragic NIH Syndrome (Score: 2, Interesting)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-06-03 17:31 (#20M)

I'm not sure I understand why we need to keep inventing new things. What's wrong with existing tools?

For speed and control over everything, including bare metal, I'll use C. For everything else, I'll be lazy and use Python. Others may choose different tools, but I suspect the end result is the same, finding an adequate tool for the job, and using it. Not reinventing the wheel just because.
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