Robot Velociraptor Now Fastest Thing on Two Legs

in robotics on (#3NA)
story imageKorea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology's (KAIST) MSC Lab Has Built A Two Legged Velociraptor Robot with a very interesting design, beating Boston Dynamics' Cheetah 28.3 mph speed record [youtube] by a thin margin:
"The dinosaur, whose name literally means "swift seizer," roamed the earth some 75 million years ago, during the Cretaceous Period. Once a feathered carnivore, researchers have turned the bipedal creature into a 1.5-foot-tall, 6.6-pound racing robot, with a peak speed of 46 km/h (28.58 mph.) The Raptor sports a tail for dynamic balance control and an Achilles tendon to absorb shock..."
Original Article (Korean)

Re: Impressive (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-06-08 22:48 (#218)

My god phatphil, and nice real identity by the way, are you really so dimwitted that you think everyone sees icons by default? We don't, you slow witted cretin, which is why I asked what the devil you were blathering on about. With as lightly trafficked a site as this, a reasonably savvy and moderately intelligent human would address things actually visible. You are clearly neither savvy nor minimally intelligent nor even courteous. You're a bloviating fool in rightful obscurity muttering to himself about the unfortunate shape of the clouds in the sky. Enjoy this tiny bit of attention; it's more than you deserve you ungraceful twat.
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