New poll: what topics would you like to see?

in ask on (#3NM)
Greetings - I'm one of the volunteer editors, and thought I'd take the liberty*** to poll readers on what kind of articles we all find interesting . It's an "approval method" poll, so tick the box on any of the multiple subjects that interest you, and leave blank the ones you dislike. We'll see which topics rise to the surface (and which ones sink!)

The more I use the Pipedot interface the more I love it, especially given the competition. But a site like this is most interesting if it posts articles readers are interested in and that generate interesting and useful conversation (otherwise, what's the point?).

If you don't see a topic you'd like to discuss, just add it in the comments. Let's make Pipedot the first site you read in the morning. Having a better sense of what's interesting will help volunteer editors prioritize the best articles for submission. Thanks!

***"Take the liberty" means "didn't bother to ask Bryan." :)

Re: Needs users (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-06-12 14:45 (#22R)

Yes, and this too is the problem:

"No stories in the pipe!"

Simply engineering a loopback cable between the "feed" and "pipe" sections of this site would do wonders for the article selection, discussions, and user base.
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The list ankle, chest, cheese, chin, eye and restaurant contains how many body parts?