post-Eich, Mozilla still has no CEO. Now what?

in internet on (#3P1)
story imageMozilla's proposed CEO, Eich, departed due to his support of an anti-gay marriage proposition in California. But since then, nothing has changed, and Mozilla is desperately in need of some leadership at a time when its $300M/year deal with Google is coming to an end (Dec 2014, to be precise). Writes Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols:
Today, months later, under the temporary leadership of acting CEO Chris Beard, Mozilla doesn't appear to be any closer to finding a new CEO.

In a June 3 blog posting, Surman wrote that one of the things on the top of his mind is "Finding the right balance between clear goals, working across teams and distributed leadership. If I'm honest, we've struggled with these things at [Mozilla] for the last 18 months or so. Our recent all hands in San Francisco felt like a breakthrough: focused, problem-solving, fast moving." How this will translate into true leadership remains an unanswered question.
What next for embattled Mozilla? And how to prevent the once mighty browser-giant from becoming the next Netscape?

Re: misleading article commentary....'anti-gay' (Score: 1)

by on 2014-06-18 09:40 (#25F)

No worries - and you were absolutely right to correct my error.

Incidentally, your post seems to have disappeared, or at least I can't see it. Can you now delete your own, previous posts? I'll have to check into that.
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