Elon Musk + Stephen Hawking + CBC = robot revolution

in ask on (#3P9)
story imageCBC News is looking out for your health and safety, by combining unrelated quotes by Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk, adding a Terminator image, and making sure you are well warned of the impending robot revolution. Here it is:
Two leading voices in the world of science and technology warn that robots equipped with artificial intelligence could be leading humanity down a dangerous path.

Elon Musk, the billionaire founder of SpaceX and Tesla motors, told a pair of CNBC reporters that he thought robots were "dangerous."

"There have been movies about this, you know, like Terminator."

Despite his reservations, Musk himself has recently invested in an artificial intelligence company.
The first strike by the robots would be, naturally, to cripple humanity by operating on human unborn in the womb. That's a bad thing, no a good thing, no wait, now I'm confused.

Is this a joke? (Score: 1)

by skarjak@pipedot.org on 2014-06-20 15:57 (#277)

Is it really? Using Terminator as a source when talking about AI?

We haven't even come close to making truly intelligent machines yet. That's like some skinny dude saying he wants to work out but "doesn't want to be ripped". We don't have anywhere near the skill or knowledge required to make machine that could even begin to be a threat to us. Hell, we don't even really know what we're looking for; there is no consensus on what makes our brains so special that we are "intelligent" while our machines just follow instructions. They're basically all brute forcing the problems that are presented to them, with clever tricks being programmed in by humans to reduce the parameter space on hard problems. Ugh...

Is it me or is Hawking getting increasingly more alarmist as time goes on? In the past few years, he's warned us about nuclear war, aliens, machines... What's next? Bees? Should we be afraid of bees? Are they plotting to overthrow us? What time is it on the "Bee overthrow doomsday clock"? I must know!
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The color of a purple head is?