Re: Yep (Score: 1)

by on 2014-07-09 18:19 (#2D7)

Hey, so maybe it's not (yet) suitable for entire roadways? Who cares? Maybe the tech will evolve, maybe the economics will keep it feasible for smaller-scale projects - who knows? I'm still glad to see people thinking about the future.

I've spent most of the last 20 years living and working in developing countries. Life in most of these places consists of:
  • poor power reliability, usually generated by burning diesel - the single most expensive and ecologically unfriendly solution out there
  • concrete buildings (houses, offices) with zero insulation, with window A/C units to keep the temperature down: huge energy consumption, and concrete has no natural insulation properties; it's ridiculous
  • water pollution, total unreliability of the water quality and frequent water shortages
  • ecological catastrophes in the making, especially decimation of fisheries or deforestation
  • douchebag politicians insisting this is the fault of (a) colonial powers or (b) regional superpowers
  • same douchebag politicians putting their full effort into getting internationally funded 'donated' projects to cure their ills.
Get smart, people! There are technological solutions to these problems! This is the kind of thinking that gets us places.
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