New roundup of Linux audio-editing tools

in linux on (#3QS)
story imageLinux is not exactly the heavyweight OS for audiophiles and musicians. Apple still holds the crown on that one, and the real professional Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) software packages target Windows as well. But things are looking up. Tech Republic just published this round-up of open source tools for musicians, and some of this software is looking pretty good indeed. Have a look at:
  1. Audacity
  2. Ardour
  3. Traverso
  4. QTractor, and
  5. Linux Multimedia Studio
I've been using Audacity since about 14 years ago, and it's truly come a long, long way. Now if we can just sort out the PulseAudio/ALSA mess, we'll be able to make some sweet music indeed.

Re: MuseScore (Score: 1)

by on 2014-07-16 14:25 (#2H6)

I'm going to have to look at that one. I looked at musicTeX a bit, and then moved to Lilypond, which I loved in theory but which I found horrendously frustrating - seemed you needed to write custom code (I forget, was it SLANG or something?) pretty soon in the process. It may have improved since then.

I know David Kastrup is working on the Lilypond project - brilliant programmer behind the previewTeX system for emacs and also highly involved in aucTeX. If you've ever used LaTeX on emacs, he's your man.
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