Windows 9 leak shows return of start menu. But is it enough?

Anonymous Coward
in microsoft on (#3R7)
story imageWindows 8 has been called the single biggest failure of a Windows release ever, and it's no secret that Redmond is scrambling to come up with something that will stem the flood of negative press and coax people off of Windows 7. A leaked screenshot of the Windows 9 start menu shows a conglomerate of the Windows 7 start menu and the Windows 8 Start Screen. Other improvements include a more cohesive approach to the "Modern interface" to allow users to ignore it.

But is this enough to woo people off of Windows 7 and get them to move to Windows 9?

Re: Windows 7 is Good Enough (Score: 2, Insightful)

by on 2014-07-20 10:16 (#2K8)

I kind of agree. WinXP was also "good enough" for a long time. Win7 fixed a couple remaining quirks and added some usable new tricks that are good and appreciated (I use Win-Shift-Right and Win-Shift-Left to move windows around multiple monitors every day at work). Win8 seems to bring nothing useful to the user experience, and at the expense of a whole lotta hardship, pain, suffering, relearning, and misery.

WIn9 needs to be the next product in the upgrade path for corporations. That means it needs to be every bit as useful as Win7 was, but better, and none of the hardship of Win8. Not clear a simple fucking start button is going to be enough. My corporation is not planning to move to Win8 any time soon, I can tell you that.
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