Windows 9 leak shows return of start menu. But is it enough?

Anonymous Coward
in microsoft on (#3R7)
story imageWindows 8 has been called the single biggest failure of a Windows release ever, and it's no secret that Redmond is scrambling to come up with something that will stem the flood of negative press and coax people off of Windows 7. A leaked screenshot of the Windows 9 start menu shows a conglomerate of the Windows 7 start menu and the Windows 8 Start Screen. Other improvements include a more cohesive approach to the "Modern interface" to allow users to ignore it.

But is this enough to woo people off of Windows 7 and get them to move to Windows 9?

Re: Windows 7 is Good Enough (Score: 3, Insightful)

by on 2014-07-21 09:01 (#2KH)

Seriously. I got my start doing computer aided drafting in about 1988. And we were using absolutely primiitive PC hardware by today's standards: I didn't like computers at the time so didn't pay any attention to specs, but I know those PCs or XTs or whatever were using Hercules cards and maybe CGA graphics [?] to run graphics on one monitor and the text interface on a second. And we were designing bridges etc. Fast forward a couple of years to where I'm doing 3D renders of amorphously-shaped structures (solid waste landfills, if you must). Was using AutoCAD 12 or 13 on a 386 and 486 (big difference between those two machines, I remember well). Perfectly usable, perfectly functional: I could easily imagine using the same kit today to do serious engineering work.

Tell me why my modern laptop with 2GB of RAM isn't really adequate to run even the operating system alone? Holy crap - it's nothing more than hardware interface, file manager and desktop metaphor, memory and peripheral control, and the sending of bits to a screen. What the hell happened?
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