Bruce Byfield: KDE5 Plasma is the best desktop

in linux on (#3RP)
Everyone knows opinions are like noses: everyone has one. But Bruce Byfield has been at it longer than most, and his opinion often reflects the industry. And he loves KDE5.
At a time when the Linux desktop offers six main alternatives (Cinnamon, GNOME, KDE Plasma, LXDE, Mate, Unity and Xfce), KDE Plasma consistently tops reader polls with an average of 35-40 percent. In such a diverse market, these figures indicate a broad appeal that other Linux desktop alternatives can't match.

I believe that one of the main reasons for this appeal is the KDE design philosophy. GNOME and Unity may offer a more aesthetic-looking default, but only at the cost of simplifying both the desktop and the utilities in the name of reducing clutter.

By contrast, KDE goes to the opposite extreme. KDE applications typically include every function you can imagine. Sometimes, they can take a version or two to organize the menus in a meaningful way, but applications like Amarok, K3B, or digiKam go far beyond the most common use cases. When you run into problems with them, they usually offer solutions.
Read the rest of his thoughtful and insightful review here.

[Ed. note: Actually, opinions are like something else. But Pipedot is a family-friendly site.]

Re: I'm offended! (Score: 1)

by on 2014-07-26 01:30 (#2NF)

In a way you are right but again you are a minority. Most of us reading this are. Most of users will never find the extended toolbar or will never install the extension. Most of users will not even know those things exist. Most of users will not go searching for extensions.On the other hand I have seen people accidentally clicking a button in Excel and finding a function which saved them lots of time. Not only they used it again but they told other people in the office and soon everyone was using this. If this option was hidden, they would have never found it.The main purpose of dumbing down of interfaces is to sell it to the masses who otherwise would find it too complicated and would never used it. Everyone else loses but we have already bought into the product so we don't matter.Sorry about one long paragraph but I am typing this on my phone and when I click preview all newlines disappear.
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