Nadella steering Microsoft back towards software for economic reasons

in microsoft on (#3S1)
Microsoft sold more physical devices than Apple did last year - due largely to its purchase of Nokia - and still managed to lose $700M last quarter. No wonder Nadella is steering Microsoft away from hardware and turning his back on Ballmer's mantra of "devices and services."
Microsoft's quarterly financials are out, and they paint a startlingly clear picture of why new CEO Satya Nadella is in such a hurry to scuttle away from the "devices and services" mantra rolled out by former honcho Steve Ballmer just last year: Microsoft's hardware efforts just aren't making much money. In fact, they're actually losing money hand over fist.

Re: Xbox is next? (Score: 1)

by on 2014-07-31 15:03 (#2QZ)

Sell what to Nintendo? The people? Not gonna happen. Nintendo has their own developpment culture which doesn't mesh so well with american studios. The licenses? Meh. The only IP Microsoft owns is of little interest to Nintendo, considering the market they're going after. I guess they could sell patents for the Kinect, that's the only thing Nintendo might want.
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The list finger, chips and head contains how many body parts?