Metadata war escalates with Bittorrent Bleep for secure phone calls and texts

Anonymous Coward
in security on (#3SE)
story imageBitTorrent Bleep expands the Bittorent protocol to enable people to make voice calls and send messages over the Internet without using a central server to direct traffic. Users will find one another through groups of other users, with no records of the calls or texts stored anywhere along the way. Once a connection is made for a call or text, the communication travels directly between the two computers involved. That peer-to-peer approach also defies mass surveillance. BT Bleep is currently invitation only and limited to Windows 7 and 8.

Re: What's the point? (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-08-28 08:46 (#2R40)

A good point worth considering.
I found a vid on youtube about a bike rider who had his right arm and leg ripped off. They said he would never ride again. He proved them wrong. Got himself a bike, modified it to left arm left lef only control. Taught himself to get on the bike and ride the race track.
Moral of the story: if a stump is all you have then do what you can with what you have where you are and make the most of it.
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