Lots of folks are having a laugh at Apple

in apple on (#2SAK)
story imageA lot of the tech world is taking a moment to have a laugh at Apple, after a lackluster event earlier this week. Here are some of the digs:Is Apple off its game? Or is the tech press just snippy as always? Or is the new Apple ecosystem going to wow us, as the fans predict?

Non points - except one. (Score: 1)

by kwerle@pipedot.org on 2014-09-12 20:17 (#2SBY)

Seriously embarrassing. Heads should roll.So... They think there is a market for a watch. Interesting.
  • Macworld Magazine, the venerable journal that has covered Apple since 1984, is shutting its doors.
Nobody cares.Yeah, you could.What an apt description. Because perfume is so unpopular.As usual, Apple isn't doing anything new. They're just doing it well. And taking a slice of the pie while they're at it.
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