Lots of folks are having a laugh at Apple

in apple on (#2SAK)
story imageA lot of the tech world is taking a moment to have a laugh at Apple, after a lackluster event earlier this week. Here are some of the digs:Is Apple off its game? Or is the tech press just snippy as always? Or is the new Apple ecosystem going to wow us, as the fans predict?

Re: Funny (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-09-15 21:34 (#2SEH)

Yeah same here. For me, it's not a problem of waiting but finding a normal phone. I used to have a clam-shell phone which broke 3 months ago. It's impossible to get a decent one where I live so I have to deal with a stupid ass key locking, screen scratching, humongous bar type phone.

So glad that Jobs is dead and I hope his ilk doesn't crop up again in my life time. So happy that Apple is losing ground. I have enough hippies around even without Apple encouraging it.
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