Re: Missing ? (Score: 2, Funny)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-09-16 14:19 (#2SF5)

Oh come now, sharepoint can't be that bad. Right now we are in the middle of throwing out our existing wiki to move to sharepoint. Surely the fountain of knowledge power goodwill and everlasting sunshine happiness swirl that is microsoft must have a better product. After all our existing wiki costs next to nothing and requires one administrator. Sharepoint must be better. Why would we make our current happy users go to something else if it was worse. We wouldn't. No. Never. Sharepoint must be the pinnacle of the wiki mountain.

Please. Help. I am stuck in a building with these nuts called "management" who think they know best who throw out our free tools. Sob. Please. Help. You are my only hope.
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