Apple releases iOS8

in apple on (#2SH1)
Apple released the 8th version of its popular iOS operating system today, and as far as this editor can tell, the entire Internet experienced a collective nerdgasm. Every major tech site is either reporting on it, speculating on it, or promising sneak previews of hitherto undisclosed features.

Apple themselves are calling iOS8 "the biggest update ever." So we turn to the Register, who gives us a more precise list of new features:
IOS 8 can automatically filter, straighten and crop snaps, and it eases the process of sharing photos and others files with people ... will record time-lapse videos, if you want. And the iOS Messages app will be updated to include location info, video and voice records, and self-deleting vids, apparently. ...
The update will also include the HealthKit personal monitoring API that was seen at WWDC back in June. Other features include supposedly better predictive typing for the on-screen keyboard, and Siri apparently works better with getting information from maps and news. Not all the features will be available in all countries, however. Siri's ability to reserve restaurant tables, for example, will only be offered to people in North America when the OS launches. And, of course, the update will use the iPhone 6 smartphone and 6 Plus' NFC hardware as a cash substitute thanks to Apple Pay. That service is supported by many of the largest banks and credit card companies - although third-party app makers are frozen out of the party.
So what say you P8rs? Is this a revolution in pocket computing, or a marginal update to existing features? Or something in between?

Re: Ars Tecnica (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-09-18 02:36 (#2SHV)

Wow, still really don't care. I have a couple of Apple devices and have no intention of ever upgrading them to the newer "flatter" and uglier interfaces. The Ars link summary sounds as if iOS always trailed behind Android. Not news, and only true since Android matured at 2.x.

I talked to a couple of people who mentioned they were upgrading their iDevices tonight. Okay. So? This just isn't news, sorry. iOS is finally catching back up to Android. Great, fine. Can we go back to talking about important things like space exploration and KDE based distros? :)
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The number of body parts in the list knee, ant, eye, ear, thumb and elbow is?