Your poll ideas! Please pipe up.

in ask on (#2SNY)
It seems our polls remain active for about 3 days before getting no new votes or comments, so maybe we'll move to two polls a week: one on Monday and a second one mid-week after the first one quiets down. Could use some suggestions and contributions - what shall we poll? Typical categories involve polls about user preferences, opinion about the site, and polls about something that's just happened in the news. But let's be creative.

Your suggestions here - and we'll run them over the next coming weeks, starting Monday.

What's Killing The FOSS Desktop Linux Ecosystem? (Score: 1, Interesting)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-09-21 04:49 (#2SPB)

  • Mobile computing absorbing the next generation of nerds, prompting switch from hobbyist devs producing open source, often collaboratively, for free, to producing fiercely commercial software, designed to drive ad revenue and a marketplace for google, for peanuts.
  • Secureboot
  • Windows 7 actually being a fairly likeable OS
  • Ageing nerds giving up and buying macs and iDevices.
  • Netflix and the death of principled geeks("OMG PONIES, NETFLIX COMIGN TO LINUX", "erm, guys, it relies on google shoehorning binary only DRM support into HTML5, this is horrible", "BUT PONIES!!!1, TAKE MY MONEY ALREADY!!!")
  • Android(see 1)
  • CowboyNeal's undercover mission to sabotage Ubuntu just as it was becoming a sane desktop and gaining popularity
  • I don't like change, this is all very sad, why did slashdot have to die(it appears to be full of dudebro scum and angry misogynists, it may as well be dead at this point)?
  • Software as a service, web 2.0, etc.
I realise these aren't exactly viable poll options, and could be in large part bollocks, on top of that.
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