Your poll ideas! Please pipe up.

in ask on (#2SNY)
It seems our polls remain active for about 3 days before getting no new votes or comments, so maybe we'll move to two polls a week: one on Monday and a second one mid-week after the first one quiets down. Could use some suggestions and contributions - what shall we poll? Typical categories involve polls about user preferences, opinion about the site, and polls about something that's just happened in the news. But let's be creative.

Your suggestions here - and we'll run them over the next coming weeks, starting Monday.

The site colour should be (Score: 1, Interesting)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-09-23 14:01 (#2SV1)

Blue like it is
Green cause /. is dead
Yellow like the golden SUN
Red to match Soylent
Purple just because
I want to be able to choose my own color pallette please please pretty please with a cherry on top
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The list shirt, yellow, red, T-shirt and brown contains how many colors?