Gnome 3.14 has been released

in linux on (#2SWS)
story imageGnome 3.14 has been released, six months after the last version. Sporting "new features and bug fixes, and 28859 changes by approximately 871 contributors," install this new version to enjoy:
  1. a new weather panel
  2. support for captive portal (wifi hot spot authentication)
  3. multi-touch features
  4. household network connection sharing
  5. support for online picture-sharing sites
  6. improvements to the evince PDF reader
... and more.

[Ed. note.] I've never seen release notes that look they were put together by a website designer and marketing agency. What happened to a bunch of bullet points in ASCII posted to Usenet? These release notes are "gorgeous."

Re: Arrogant pricks (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-09-25 12:22 (#2SX9)

Do the GNOME developers actually use the crap they put out? I knew a GNOME dev back in college. He worked on GNOME but actually used KDE most of the time. He only contributed to GNOME because they'd accept his crappy code, while KDE wouldn't!
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The list church, green and snake contains how many colors?