Re: FPS and RPG (Score: 1)

by on 2014-11-22 16:20 (#2V5V)

Bad. Very bad. I liked Baldur's Gate at the time, which seems to be similar. Now I watched this:

At min 0:40 first fight. Ok, the description says 'speed run', but I stopped after 4:00. In all this time behind almost every bush or tree a new enemy appeared. Most likely it is a 5 minute story game, which is inflated to hrs by senseless fights. I just get bored when I get attacked every three steps. I also don't like it to be send back and forth the same ways... get this, do that...walking for no other reason but to get told: This game is worth x0 hrs playing fun. Witcher was that way.

But I must say.... after Dishonored I am spoiled.... Very hard to satisfy me now.... Damn Arkane Studios :-D
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