Microsoft admits Windows 10 preview has a keylogger

Anonymous Coward
in security on (#2WSZ)
Microsoft has admitted that the new Windows 10 operating system tracks keystrokes and examines audio input. The new operating system, currently a free download for users with Windows 7 and Windows 8 licences, not only tracks how long it takes to open different types of files, the make and model of device you're using, but it's also logging keystrokes and collecting voice recordings. Microsoft will not delete data already collected from Windows 10 users.

Re: Don't really care (Score: 1)

by on 2015-01-30 21:43 (#2WV5)

Not the AC, but I'd say because Windows 8.1 has a bad reputation for ease of use and is known to enrage some people (even Microsoft fans).
From my initial post you can clearly see that I am not really in Windows user. But for the few things I do with it, I don't see a difference between Windows 7 and 8. On Windows 8 I had to change some settings so that I don't boot into the tile crap. But this was a one time effort, and even I was able to do it. No I get immediately into the desktop. I have the explorer to browse the file system, and when I have installed a game, I have an icon on the desktop. No difference to Windows 7 or XP at all. Ok, the start menu looks different. But the only time I see it, is when I shutdown the machine.

I am certainly no Windows lover, on the contrary, when I am forced to use it, it always feels like I am wearing boxing gloves. But I don't understand the Windows 8 hatred.
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