Pipedot Turns One

in pipedot on (#2WX9)
On this day, one year ago, I registered the Pipedot domain name and threw up an ugly static webpage. Today, the site is a little less ugly and a lot less static. Although the original goal of creating a non-profit alternative to Slashdot has long since been obtained, I've continued the development of the code base and periodically add new features to scratch my own itch.

So my question now becomes: What's next? What other features would you like to see implemented over the next year to make this site even better than it is today?

Submissions (Score: 3, Insightful)

by elijah@pipedot.org on 2015-02-06 21:36 (#2WXE)

This is one of the best designed news websites I have ever had the good fortune to lay my eyes upon. The visual styling is impeccable, the formatting kind and easy to read and digest. Our only issue now is content generation. I have issues generating content when my main news sites are aggregates instead of sources. It looks like as of now we have more readers than writers. Content is our biggest challenge as a community.
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